CppSerdes  1.0
A serialization/deserialization library designed with embedded systems in mind

This example demonstrates how a complex format can be serialized in a dynamically sized array

#include "../include/serdes.h"
#include <stdio.h>
struct coordinates : serdes::packet_base
uint8_t x = 0xAB, y = 0xCD, z = 0xEF;
void format(serdes::packet &serdes_obj) override
serdes_obj + x + y + z;
template <size_t capacity>
struct vector3d : serdes::packet_base
uint16_t size = 0;
coordinates values[capacity];
void format(serdes::packet &serdes_obj) override
// this format records the size first, and then uses it
// to decode/encode a max of "capacity" coordinate values
serdes_obj + size + serdes::array(values, size);
int main()
// if you have some serial data
uint16_t serial_data[] = {0x0003, 0x0102, 0x0304, 0x0506, 0x0708, 0x090A, 0x0B0C};
// and an object with a serdes::packet_base base
vector3d<100> obj;
// you can convert from serial data to a packet_base object
auto load_result = obj.load(serial_data);
// printing out the results show that the appropriate array size was parsed and used
printf("loaded vector3d<100> (with %s) = [%u/100]{\n",
serdes::status2str(load_result.status), obj.size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < obj.size; i++)
printf(" xyz[%zu] = {0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X}\n",
i, obj.values[i].x, obj.values[i].y, obj.values[i].z);