CppSerdes  1.0
A serialization/deserialization library designed with embedded systems in mind
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NserdesCppSerdes library namespace
 CalignNumber of bits to be used to align the bit offset as a multiple of
 CarrayContainer for fixed or dynamically sized arrays, with an upper bounds limit for safety
 CbitpackBitpack a value into an exact number of specified bits. If applied to an array it will be applied to each element of the array, not the total bits in the array
 Cdelimited_arrayContainer for dynamically sized arrays with their ending marked by a reserved delimiter value
 CformatterLambda function wrapper that can describe any serialization/deserialization formatting process. While it does use more overhead (because of the lambda), it also can describe any format process as manipulatable runtime data, which the other hard coded interfaces don't allow.
 CinfoCppSerdes library information
 CpacketSerialization/deserialization helper class, with load, store, and stream operators
 Cpacket_baseInheritable base class to allow format recording and application with no additional memory storage (except for the virtual table pointer)
 CpadNumber of bits to be used to pad (add to) the current bit offset
 Csized_pointerHolds a pointer to an array (with its type information) with a constant size
 Csized_pointer< void >Holds a pointer to a void array (with type information stored as a runtime element size paramenter) with a constant size
 Cstatus_tStatus returned after any serialization/deserialization process