CppSerdes  1.0
A serialization/deserialization library designed with embedded systems in mind
bitprint.h File Reference

defines printhex() and printbin() funtions which print arrays or values in hexidecimal or binary More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include <inttypes.h>

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 CppSerdes library namespace.


void serdes::printhex (const uint8_t data, const bool add_newline=true)
 prints uint8_t value in hex format More...
void serdes::printhex (const uint16_t data, const bool add_newline=true)
 prints uint16_t value in hex format More...
void serdes::printhex (const uint32_t data, const bool add_newline=true)
 prints uint32_t value in hex format More...
void serdes::printhex (const uint64_t data, const bool add_newline=true)
 prints uint64_t value in hex format More...
void serdes::printhex (const bool data, const bool add_newline=true)
 prints bool value in hex format More...
template<typename T = void, typename std::enable_if< std::is_signed< T >::valueBITCPY_INT128_CONDITIONAL_DEFINE(||std::is_same< T, __int128_t >::value), T >::type * = nullptr>
void serdes::printhex (const T data, const bool add_newline=true)
 prints signed value in hex format More...
template<bool use_brackets = true, typename T = void, size_t N = 0u>
void serdes::printhex (const T(&data)[N], const bool add_newline=true)
 prints an array in hex format More...
template<bool use_brackets = true, typename T = void, size_t N = 0u>
void serdes::printbin (const T(&data)[N], const bool add_newline=true)
 prints an array in binary format More...
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_array< T >::value &&!std::is_same< T, bool >::value, T >::type * = nullptr>
void serdes::printbin (const T data, const bool add_newline=true)
 prints a non-array non-bool value in binary format More...
void serdes::printbin (const bool data, const bool add_newline=true)
 prints a bool value in binary format More...

Detailed Description

defines printhex() and printbin() funtions which print arrays or values in hexidecimal or binary

Darren V Levine (Darre.nosp@m.nVLe.nosp@m.vine@.nosp@m.gmai.nosp@m.l.com)